所持資格 |
損害保険募集人資格 |
趣味/Hobby | ランニング/Running コーヒーを淹れること/Brewing coffee F1観戦(角田裕毅推しです)/Watching F1 races(I'm on the Yuki hype train!!) |
好きな言葉/Favorite phrase | 痛みは避けがたいが、苦しみはオプショナル(こちら次第) Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional. |
If you are having a hard time trying to find a house in Japan, why not leave it all to me!!
Hit me up on:
Mail h-nakayama@meiwajisho.co.jp
LINE https://works.do/R/ti/p/h-nakayama@meiwajisho
Call/Text +81-70-3152-7095